Donating is fun, donating is also exciting. A lot of people find joy out of donating to different people. Donating can make your mood feel better and also donating can make you feel like you accomplished something in your life really big. Sometimes when you donate you could be building strong relationships with your friends and colleagues. When you donate that could be considered a tax write off so when you donate and while you’re filing your taxes you can write off your donations. You may see people on the side walk in front of stores begging for money because they don’t have any that happens a lot in today’s society I see it all the time going to the store. Some communities are not doing as good as other communities so you have to donate to the lesser communities.

The average schools have different things going on to where donating is involved.  Donations are very important to schools in a lot of ways. It’s important to have money so you can donate . If you have money you can donate to whatever organization that you want to or need to at whatever time you want to or need to do it which will make you feel good in a lot of ways. To be generous is a great thing it’ll make you feel like a great person to be generous people will love you if you’re generous people will like you if you’re generous you’ll have a lot of friends if you’re generous it’s just great to be generous. There’s nothing wrong with having positive attitude being happy while giving all at the same time it’s a win win for everyone.

The big thing is making the difference once you make a difference you’ll feel a whole lot better about yourself. Making a difference in someone else’s life can mean a lot to them. Just say if you’re donating to someone so they can start their own business and then once they start their own business instead of accomplishing the dreams you feel whole lot better about yourself because you helped them. Helping is fine helping is great helping makes the world go round. Most people with big hearts give.

Some children out there in the world are amongst the ones who mostly need donations because of their living standards are not that great. A lot of children out there suffer and don’t know where their next meal is coming from and others suffer and they don’t know what clothing they’re going to wear the next day and things of that nature you have some cities and some countries that are in dire n When people donate it gives them a sense of purpose which makes them feel good inside and people want to feel like they belong somewhere and donating makes them feel like did they belong somewhere.

Donating serves its purpose in many many ways in this world that we live in today. There are a lot of different ways to give you can give by your credit card or if you have your debit card you can give. Some people give donations by filling out money order and others give donations by filling out a check and give to the needy. Some people out there even give cash donations which brightens people’s day. Community is an important part of life the community helps out the community when the community needs help in any way shape or form which is great for the community and in every community there is. The community helps each other by donating its time and sometimes money in some instances. If someone in a community needs help with homework you can help them with their homework or their studies and if someone in the community needs help mowing their lawn you can help with that so it’ll be less stress on your neighbor. If a community member needs help painting you can help them paint whatever they’re painting.