Free vacations info
💫Book your FREE Vacations Today!!!
Harrisonburg Va-Massanutten Resort-1-888-850-3585
Williamsburg Va-Plantation Resort-757-874-6422
Orlando Fl-Parkway Resort-800-932-9846
Ft.Lauderdale Fl~Weston Resort-800-932-9846
Las Vegas Nv~The Grandview LasVegas Resort-888-595-6255
These are the FREE Vacations that I have. When you call to book, make sure you give them my ARP# 1135707
And Name: Xavier Strain II so you can get your FREE Stay! Just let them know when you want to go on vacation and that’s it.
Feel free to get your FREE stay at any or all of the locations above!!
Also, feel free to spread the word about this, this is for any and everyone 😀
More info Here——> http://bit.ly/TRAVELMODE
Or Here——-> http://bit.ly/bogatesartist
‪Massenutten Resort-1-888-850-3585 Plantation Resort-757-874-6422‬
‪Parkway Resort-800-932-9846‬
‪Weston Resort-800-932-9846‬
‪The Grandview LasVegas Resort-888-595-6255‬
‪ When you book, give them my name: Xavier Strain II and ARP#1135707 to get your FREE STAY‬